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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 37 years, born on 2 December 1987
Saint Petersburg, metro station Komendantskiy Prospekt, willing to relocate (Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, France, Czech Republic, Sweden), prepared for business trips
Senior/Lead Software Engineer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 20 years 3 months
October 2015 — currently
9 years 6 months
USA, fresh.team
Lead Android Developer and Team Manager
I started from scratch a new app, and delivered it to the market. Application is entirely written in Java/Scala. There are unit tests which cover some basic functionality as well as component's properties tests using ScalaCheck. There are integration tests, which are using dev server environments to cover integration of client components as well as integration with server. There is also a functional testing environment built on top of appium in Scala. The core parts of application has about 60% of lines covered by tests, and can be reused to create a Desktop app as well. In our team we have code-review based flow with CI checks involved, to keep code quality pretty high, and keep each other on the same page about that is changing in our project.
To help our efforts, I also participated in development of opensource project - sbt-android which is a build tool plugin to build android apps written in scala using sbt.
April 2012 — May 2016
4 years 2 months
Unison Technologies
Saint Petersburg, www.unison.com
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Sr. Software Developer
Development of cross-platform client application core (written in C++, Qt).
Development of UI on top of common core for Windows, MacOS X, Linux (C++, Qt), Android (C++, JNI, Java).
Development of some server-side components (Erlang, Scala).
Worked on developing network protocol using JSON over HTTP.
Development of extensions for XMPP protocol for product needs.
Did input on creating TDD process and CI.
Participated in development of application domain model.
Improved overall client architecture.
Later I also started to write a new renovated android app written in Scala.
September 2013 — October 2015
2 years 2 months
Wiper Inc
Saint Petersburg, www.gowiper.com
Lead Android Engineer
I started a new app from scratch, and delivered it to the market. Application has good test coverage. In our team we have code-review based flow with CI checks involved, to keep code quality pretty high, and keep each other on the same page about that is changing in our project.
To help our efforts, I also participated in development of opensource projects, most noticeably: Gradle and Smack.
September 2011 — April 2012
8 months
Game Insight
Murmansk, www.game-insight.com/
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Software Developer
Server side development using PHP and MySQL.
Development of Web UI for blog and Admin-panel.
Development of JSON over HTTP API.
R&D works on C++ high perfomance server backend.
August 2009 — September 2011
2 years 2 months
Murmansk State Humanities University
Murmansk, mspu.edu.ru
Educational Institutions... Show more
Software Developer
Development of internal document exchange software (using PHP, Java, Oracle DB).
Development of equipment databases, CDR server (C++, Qt, PHP, MySQL/PostgreSql).
Development of custom linux distro built on top of OpenSuse (opensuse.org). Did packaging of internal software for this distro, wrote some helper software for more control, did administration recipies for puppet, implemented Active Directory - based auth.
January 2005 — July 2009
4 years 7 months
Murmansk State Humanities University
Murmansk, mspu.edu.ru
Educational Institutions... Show more
System Administrator/Software Developer
Administrated network of about 200 PC's with Linux and Windows installations. Developed proxy-server, Active-Directory management, Samba shares with quotas.
Development of software for internal document exchange.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Experienced in both desktop and Android development. Have experience in server-side development as well. Knowledge of both sides helps me in everyday tasks, whenever I'm hacking a client or a server.
My strongest sides are Java and Scala. I also have a knowledge about C++, and can use it, but will need to dive in again to get to speed with it. Familiar with Groovy.
All my recent projects are using either SBT or Gradle as it's build system.
Mockito, JUnit and ScalaTest and ScalaCheck are my best friends for doing TDD. I like to write Java code using Guava and RxJava and have my favourite set of extensions for them.
Have some experience with Spray, Akka, and Slick. In spare time, I'm doing some hacking using those. There is Android app which runs DB using slick and intercommunicating between some UI components using Akka, and I also writing a little server with REST API.
Had much experience with Qt, JNI, CMake and Swig to build Android app. Had experience of contributing to big OSS projects like KDE and OpenSuse.
You can check out my GitHub profile to see examples of that I do: https://github.com/dant3
Higher education (master)
Murmansk State Humanities University (former Murmansk State Pedagogical University)
Physics and IT, Teacher of Physics and IT
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Up to 90 minutes