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Male, 38 years, born on 18 May 1986

Spain, I want to relocate (Belarus, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Javascript Developer / Front End Developer

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 14 years 6 months

September 2016currently
8 years 7 months

Spain, github.com/tapmapp/test

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Personal Proyect
Whola it's a loyalty system and a bridge between brands and consumers. The goal of this project is give the opportunity to dealers to develop advertising campaigns highly effective and low cost. Capture data from the users purchases, allows me to know what products they like, and when they buy them. For in the next future send advertising and promotions to them. I also want to sell data to the brands produced by the users. I think it has thousands of marketing applications and in the future people will register all the products they buy. Skills: Node JS, Angular JS, Express, Mongo DB, Mongoose, Bootstrap, HTML 5, CSS3
February 2016currently
9 years 2 months
Lily Lich

Spain, lilylich.com

Retail... Show more

Front End Developer
Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Parallax, Paypal API
March 2011currently
14 years 1 month

Spain, hiphopcommunity.es

Personal Proyect
Hip Hop Community, is a Hip Hop Plataform for artists and clothing brands related with the Hip Hop culture. The goal of this platform is to give a chance to the registered artist of the platform to earn money with the products we sell. Every time a client buy a product in Hip Hop Community, he can give some amount of the profit to one of ours artists. Skills: (PHP, MySQL, HTML 4.0, CSS3, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX)
September 2016November 2016
3 months

Spain, bloombees.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Front End Developer
Front End Developer - HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, Parallax
January 2014May 2014
5 months
Rise DM

Great Britain, risedm.com

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Front End Developer
It is a digital media company based in London who develops web apps. I've been working for clients as Abellio, Midland Classic or PlusBus. Proyects: ­Midland Classic: Skills (Angular JS, Bootstrap, JQuery, HTML5) ­PlusBus: Skills (Angular JS, Bootstrap, JQuery, HTML5)
June 2013December 2013
7 months

Spain, www.agencia-internet.es/

Applications Developer
Company Description:​ MAKE Group it's a little advertising company based in Spain, Madrid. Most of the work they do is related with online advertising, web development and SEO. Projects: ­ iShow Business Skills: (WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML 4.0, CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Twitter API, BrightCove API) ­ Miami Fashion Week Skills: (WordPress, PHP, MySQL, HTML 4.0, CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Adobe Photoshop, BrightCove API) ­ Pullmantur Skills: (JAVA, JSP, RESTful Web Services, Oodrive API, MySQL, HTML 4.0, CSS3, JQuery)
March 2013May 2013
3 months
City Farmers

Spain, whola.es

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Personal proyect - Greenhouse made with Arduino
This is a personal project i did for my master of JAVA in CICE. It's called City Farmers and it is a web application that allow you to control your greenhouse from any place in the world. It works with Arduino, and you can set the temperature, the lighting and the watering. I build the LED lamp, the refrigeration system, and the greenhouse all by my own. Right now the greenhouse it's off. I was growing some tomatoes and strawberries for my mum! Skills: JAVA, JSP, JQuery, Arduino, MySQL, HTML 4.0, CSS
March 2011July 2011
5 months

Spain, publicisgroupe.com

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Web Developer
(3 months contract + 3 months extension) Job Title:​ Web Developer, Junior Art Director Publicis is a French multinational​)
May 2010July 2010
3 months
Hombre con Dos Cerebros

Spain, www.elhombrecondoscerebros.com/

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Front end Developer
Company Description: ​Hombre con dos Cerebros is a digital producer company specialized in advertising. They work for advertisers and agencies providing services of production and online creativity ­ Sheridan Skills: (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash) ­ Support for different clients Skills: (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash)
March 2010June 2010
4 months
Bureau Pindakaas

Netherlands, www.bureaupindakaas.nl

Front End Developer
Training, development of websites and advertising campaigns


Skill proficiency levels
Web Design
Web Application Development
Adobe Photoshop
Leadership Skills
CMS Wordpress
Social Media Marketing
Driving Licence B
Adobe Illustrator

About me

Hello, my name is Francisco Roca, I am 30 years old and I am from Spain, Madrid. I've been working as front end developer and web designer during 5 years in different international companies as Publicis and Lion Bridge and different start-ups in London and Spain. I consider myself a talented, competitive and entrepreneurial person. Right now I am working on my own clothing brand called 'Lily Lich' http://lilylich.com (HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Parallax, Angular JS, PHP, Paypal API) and a affiliation system called Whola. You can take a look at my github. . All has been done from scratch by me. I hope you like it. Very interested in working with Node JS, Express, Sockets.io I speak English, French and Spanish. Thank you for your time, Francisco https://www.linkedin.com/in/frroca https://github.com/tapmapp/test

Incomplete higher education

JAVA - Web Applications, JAVA - Web Applications
Miami AD School
Art Direction, Master
Cahon High School, CA
High School, High School
Lycée Français de Madrid
Secundary School, Secundary School



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Spain

Permission to work: Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Spain, Ukraine

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter